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Media & Resources 

Central Electronics key personnel has been involved in all facets of public and private radio communications  for over 40 years. While we are proudly grounded in the history of communications, we are forever at the forefront of what's next with smart insights, efficient processes, and the same forward-thinking philosophy that made Wes Schum’s Central Electronics, Inc. the pioneers of single sideband communications back in 1952!


Follow our blog and stay alert for upcoming news, events, and symposiums so you can join us on the cutting edge of radio communications.

Technical Information 

It will require some patience, but if you're anything like us you'll love and appreciate this flash in the past of interesting historical documentation. We've saved it all in our archives so you can geek out with us as we reflect on our history and teach future generations all about the evolution of radio communications throughout the years.


Be sure to fill out the contact form and let us know about your favorite piece of history!

Sideband Suppression Issues

Discussion of the CE SSB methodology, alignment procedures, known suppression problems and solutions. (Download PDF)

Audio Filter and Limiter Issues

100V and 200V audio filter and limiter descriptions and service issues with these modules. (Download PDF)

PS-2 Service Notes

Troubleshooting the 100V and 200V PS-2 network module. (Download PDF)

MM-1/2 Service Notes

MM-1/2 background information, clean up ideas, suggested component replacements, and known problems with their solutions. (Download PDF)

MM-1 Schematic

MM-1 schematic; 11-1-56 (Download PDF)

VFO Recalibration Procedure

Description of the 100V and 200V VFO, known problems, calibration and removal procedures, and rebuilding details. (Download PDF)

10A/2B Coil Winding Data

Coil winding details for the 10A and 10B. (from Zenith Sales, 5/13/65) (Download PDF)

100V Schematic

Full size 100V schematic. (thanks to W2HX) (Download PDF)

Model 350 Phase Shift Network

Instructions and schematic for the Model 350 B&W Audio Phase Shift Network. (Download PDF)

100V-200V Alignment Data

Instructions for aligning 100V and 200V transmitters (Download PDF)

600L Schematic

600L amplifier schematic (Download PDF)

200V Schematic 

200V schematic broken down by function - very handy! (thanks to Lee, WB6SSW, for this effort) (Download PDF)

SSB Techniques & Design

Report on SSB Techniques and Design Requirements by W. Bruene, Collins Radio, 1954 (Download PDF)

Central Electronics Media Library
Your source for Central Electronics history, parts, information, repair and more!

Radio Theory

Applications of Techniques in the Reception of Single-Sideband Transmmitted Signals

Highly technical and fascinating Final Report, prepared by Stanford Research Institute, March 30, 1951 (Download PDF)

Conver​sations with Wes Schum, W9DYV and Nick Tusa 

 Nick Tusa's (K5EF) Equipment and Antennas
5th Annual Central Electronics Boatanchor Event (2017)
4th Annual Central Electronics Boatanchor Event (2016)
1st Annual Central Electronics Boatanchor Event (2013)

Historical Archives & Videos

A Modern Aladdin's Lamp

by AT&T Archives (Watch)

The Proximity Fuse - Secret Weapon of World War 2

by Museum of Our Industrial Heritage (Watch)

A Tribute to Wes Schum

with Nick Tusa, K5EF's Interview on Ham Nation (Watch)

The History of Single Sideband

by Ham Nation (Watch)

Ordering a CE 100V in 1959

You need patience! (Download PDF)


Historical Photos & Literature


Let’s Talk Radio!

75757 Highway 1082

Covington, LA 70435

Tel: 504-400-8873

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